A male lion nearly lost his life when he was chased by aggressive hippos in the river.

Unusual behavior of hippopotamus was discovered. The hippos became aggressive and started circling around a large rock in the middle of the river.

A male lion is stuck on a rock in the middle of a river with hippos swimming around.
Right after that, a giant hippopotamus attacked the lion. When attacked, the lion had no choice but to jump into the water to find a way to escape.

Although being chased by another hippo in the herd, the lion still escaped the bite and swam to shore safely.

Male lions usually guard a specific territory, but young males often roam until they have established their own.

Choosing a rather inconvenient place to stay put the lion against the hippo, one of the most ferocious animals in the world.

Hippos are especially aggressive when it comes to trespassing their territory and touching their offspring. The hippo’s jaws can crush one or two crocodiles about 3m long. That is why it is very easy for the aborigines in Africa to lose their lives when they accidentally invade the territory of the hippo. They will chase, drag them into the lagoon, bite their boat.