A unique way to help Komodo dragons defeat prey 5 times larger than themselves is to eat one meal and stay full for 5 weeks

As the only known dragon species to exist in the world, Komodo dragons have all the qualities to become the best hunters in nature.

Komodo dragons are such fierce hunters that they can eat very large prey, such as large water buffalo, deer, pigs and even humans. They can also eat smaller fellow dragons. This animal’s jaw is so strong that it can chew prey bones and its stomach can easily “bulge” to hold food equal to 80% of its body weight.

d cause its prey to collapse from infection by dirt and bacteria contained in the hunter’s saliva.

This poison will prevent the prey from being able to clot blood, causing nerve paralysis, causing the prey to quickly lose blood, go into shock and die. This helps the Komodo dragon not have to spend much time chasing, reducing risks and also saving physical strength.

Just like in the clip, after approaching the water buffalo, the Komodo dragon uses its sharp serrated teeth to bite its prey’s leg. Over time, the poison causes the buffalo to lose blood and its body gradually weakens. When it can no longer resist, the buffalo will naturally become a delicious piece of termite for the hungry Komodo dragon herd.