Hunting but unfortunately encountered Hippo, wild dogs almost died in the swamp


An antelope, fleeing the pursuit of a pack of fighting wild dogs, rushed straight into the river. The hippopotamus, soaking in the water there, approached with the intention of helping, saving the antelope from the clutches of the hounds. However, the hippopotamus did not expect its strength to be too great for the antelope’s endurance.

Unfortunately, the force of the bite was so strong that it accidentally killed the antelope.
Hippos are especially aggressive when others encroach on their territory. Wild dogs teased the hippo right where it was resting, which made it extremely angry. Usually, wild dogs will avoid confrontation with hippos because of their large size and inherent aggression.

Hippos can easily crush wild dogs with just one bite. But wild dogs are too agile. In moments where the hippo is angry, not only the carrying dogs but even the sightseeing vehicles can be in danger.

The intense clash lasted for more than an hour, until the stray dogs left and the hippos resumed their rest.