Lonely leopard defeats wildebeest twice her size


Leopards have shown impressive hunting prowess and strength, being able to single-handedly take down a wildebeest twice its size.
Clips of the leopard’s impressive hunting show the moment the leopard stalks the wildebeest, as the antelopes are resting by the lake for lunch.

Not possessing high speed like cheetahs, so leopards have to find a way to approach their prey and prepare for a long time to sprint, because if they can’t catch up to prey, the leopard’s hunting trip will become a failure.

When the leopards suddenly rushed in, the wildebeest ran away, one unfortunate individual was targeted by leopards to pursue. Immediately after catching up with the prey, with a very quick and decisive movement, the leopard was able to bite into the throat of the antelope.

Despite struggling to escape, being bitten by the leopard in the throat caused the antelope to quickly lose strength, finally giving up and becoming a meal for the leopard.