The antelope’s efforts to fight back and call for help led to tears in the face of the fierce attack from the cheetah


Most of us are amazed and amazed by the images of predators capturing antelopes with beautiful skills such as stalking, running at high speed, sneak attacks…, but almost no one Pay attention to the agony and sadness of the gazelle in its dying moments when captured by hunters.

As a primarily herbivore and in large numbers, the duiker antelope is a rich source of food for predators in the African savannah such as wild dogs, cheetahs, hyenas, and lions. …

Suddenly, the mother leopard accelerated, ran across the road and disappeared into a dense patch of grass along the roadside.

But just a few seconds later, the leopard returned with the prize of a duiker antelope in its mouth.

The heavy rain made the dirt road more slippery than ever. This makes it very difficult for the leopard to hold its prey.

The poor antelope did everything it could to struggle and fight back against the vicious predator. However, its screams seemed to make the leopard uncomfortable. That’s why the leopard tries even harder, using its large body to pin its prey to the ground and then using its sharp teeth to attack the prey’s throat.

At one moment, the antelope almost escaped the leopard’s grip, but the opportunity quickly passed. It can be seen that, although it is only a small creature, the antelope still causes a lot of difficulties for the leopard. To be able to find a meal, the leopard had to struggle for at least more than 6 minutes to conquer the antelope.