A bad, terrible day for the rabbit when they accidentally encounter a herd of hungry mongooses.

Dwarf mongooses are herd animals that live in family groups and follow a hierarchy. The dominant male and female are generally responsible, but this varies from situation to situation, habitat to food source. These creatures typically feed on snakes, eggs and insects and may also eat rodents – but are not known to attack animals larger than them.

In contrast to the mongoose, the rabbit is the most beautiful and gentle animal, it does not eat animals but mainly eats plants.

Today is a beautiful day the mongoose began to invite each other out to hunt. When he was helpless from hunting since morning and still couldn’t find any prey, a rabbit immediately passed by. It seems that this rabbit lost its mother, so it accidentally passed through the territory of the mongoose. But unexpectedly that was also the bad day of this poor rabbit.

Very quickly the mongoose approached the rabbit.
It seems that the dominant mongoose is the only one attacking the hare at this point and once it has its share, the next dominant one will be its turn. It took quite a long time for the rabbit to die
A few mongoose then dragged the hare into the grass and out of sight.

Whatever comes must come, forcing the rabbit to make a meal for the mongoose.