The cobra sprayed venom in the eye, the lion ran away in fear

The venomous cobra is one of the genera of the cobra species, which is capable of spitting venom up to 3 meters away. The toxins they spit out are usually neurotoxic and tissue-damaging components. It is thanks to this ability that the venomous cobra can defend itself against larger enemies.

In the clip, when he saw the male lion moving towards him and about to launch an attack. Immediately, it sprayed two poison nozzles into the enemy’s face, causing the beast to roar and run away.

Thanks to its precise venom delivery, the cobra was safe from the mighty predator. It is known that this direct poison spray can make the male lion blind.

Like most other venomous cobras, venom . The bite of this snake is potentially fatal for an adult human. If the snake spits venom into the victim’s eye, the victim will experience immediate and severe pain to the point of temporary blindness and sometimes even permanent blindness.