Thinking they would be easy to eat, 3 lions were chased away by a pregnant rhinoceros.

Although it is an animal with superior hunting skills, in the eyes of rhinos, lions have never been considered their opponents, even when the rhino was pregnant and had to fight 3 animals. lion at the same time.
As can be seen in the clip, the rhino was quite unlucky when he went to drink water and take a mud bath in a hole in the desert and got stuck in the mud.

Bathing in puddles is also one of the characteristics of rhinos. Rhinos’ mud bathing habit helps them cover themselves with a layer of skin-nourishing mud, protecting them from the heat of the sun and some other skin diseases. It will forage at night, eating mainly buds, thorny shrubs, fruits and leaves.

It is known that this is an individual black rhino, a species that is in extremely high danger of extinction. Today, only about 5,000 young black rhinos exist and are commonly seen in Namibia and coastal East Africa.

Back to the clip, after seeing the black rhino stuck in the mud hole, 3 sly lions came in the hope of an easy hunt.

On a normal day, a lion would not be foolish to attack an adult black rhino with a height of up to nearly 3 m, can weigh more than 2,000 kg and is equipped with two sharp horns. But when they saw that the rhino was at a disadvantage, the hungry lions decided to try their luck.

Unfortunately for the lions, the black rhino somehow managed to get out of its stuck position in the mud.

At this time, even though she was pregnant, the black rhino could still easily attack and respond to the three lions.

Realizing there was no longer a chance to find food here, the lions had to quietly leave in frustration.