Wild buffalo was bitten in the face by a crocodile and drowned in water in the river


Due to not paying attention, an adult wild buffalo was knocked down by a crocodile right in the water.

Because he was engrossed in drinking water, an adult wild buffalo was suddenly attacked by a crocodile. After delivering a powerful bite to the wild buffalo’s face, the crocodile pulled the victim into the river and drowned it to suffocate.

Even though the wild buffalo used its strength to drag and shake vigorously, the crocodile still refused to let go.

Finally, when the wild buffalo could no longer resist, the crocodile began to enjoy its meal. Witnessing their fellow human beings in distress right before their eyes, the wild buffalo herd could only stand and watch without being able to do anything to help.

Crocodiles are ambush hunters, they wait for fish or land animals to approach, then attack quickly. At short distances, crocodiles are very agile, especially when underwater. In addition, they also have extremely strong jaws and sharp teeth to tear flesh from their prey.